Charity & Taylor - Commercial Marine electronics: Equipment Supply and installation, Spares and Repairs

Marine Satellite Communications

We Supply satellite communications for vessels operating locally, regionally and internationally. We supply and support satcoms for all sizes and types of vessels, and offshore operators.
C&T provides supply and support services from its base in the UK and globally in co-operation with our owners Aage Hempel and third party partners.
Our satcom range includes equipment and airtime packages from major companies. We provide competitive airtime offers with better deals. And our financial packages for equipment provide an easy way to reinvest and upgrade.
Sat Sat Comms
Our portfolio includes satellite equipment from all major manufacturers...
Starlink Maritime Ship Arial
C&T (Aage Hempel Group) is an Authorised Starlink Reseller for this latest revolutionary game changer... Read More...
Sat Comm X21 Vsat
X21- is a proven satcom for many vessels types, Deep Sea, Regional Operators, as well as Inshore and Offshore...
Sat Comm Iridium Certus
Iridium's Certus, truly global service, offers one of the most reliable back-up companions to X21...


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